Den Bock zum Gärtner machen
24 juillet 2023
Festival Performing the Other, Kunstverein Wagenhalle Stuttgart
Curator Martina Wegener
potting soil in bags, artificial grass carpet, double shoes with silicone toys, double cap, double apron in plastic tablecloth, double mask, wig, fly swatter, dust stick, artificial sunflower with pocket mirrors and other fake flowers, fake ass, fake crows, jerry can with emoji stickers, ground, lightbulbs, spotlight
A double-face character dressed in pink and green is gardening his own existence in tension in between light and dark, within his relation to the public. He sings about acknowledgement, looking for his position, and searching what is told as valuable or not.

to my auto-cultivation
This is my green love
story with Sun
Sun is a yellow gun
sun is so fun
we met after
a long relation
with my Shadow
I lurked underground
close to the worms
and to the bones
My feet were going
In the wrong direction
I couldn’t clone
I couldn’t move from my role
Nobody watched me
and I was sad
I went so mad
I wanted to be known
I wanted to grow
your best attention
I wanted to grow
your attention
The light bulbs
kept in my pockets
waiting to be planted
wanting to grow
I wanted people
throw me flowers
but as they don’t
I grow my own
to feed my feet
In a way to exist
in a way to exit
from my shadow
From this little hole
a flower has grown
and with its mirror
it finds the error
of inner motor
Look at this beauty!
Some water for you
I buried sorrow
I dig my ego
I will get porno
I seeded success
I need to express
I water allwith my stress
and my goals
I have two helpers
Here is my cat,
his name is bad
here is my dog
his name is god
he is very sweet since it doesn’t fly anymore
Crows like the crowd
Crows like the crowd
They are thirsty
They are hungry
I’m in front of you
trying to face you
but my butt is back
behind the sun’s crack
he wants to be hacked
to get to my past
Loosing attention
wants to be in front
Let’s see what’s about
One day
Sun will be a black hole